
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why do I idolise Chetan Bhagat ???

I am back after my short hiatus (of writing!). I wasn't able to write anything, coz i was bogged down with work..! Professional, personal and social. I was cribbing about my increase in work load this week, when my F-I-L contradicted me, that money should be my motivating factor and all aches and pains should disappear with it ??? 
mmmm...well I guess this would be applicable if i truly loved my job...but the truth is although I LIKE IT...I DON"T LOVE IT! I am luckily financially sound, but money has never been a motivating factor for me, in comparison to FAME..!  I have been working for 11 years now and i haven't achieved fame in any manner..!  It's too late for me to switch my profession (am a doctor...and believe me I don't feel like I have descended from heaven as I ain't that great!) and try my hand at stuff that feels more professional Fashion Photography, Fashion designing, Ad designing or anything remotely related to the media...which helps you meet the "HI" society! I know age should be no barrier, but when you are married and have a kid and loads of loans for investments, then taking a LOOOONG break to try out new stuff is very dicey, specially in this country!!!.

That's probably the reason behind my idolizing Chetan Bhagat..and possibly every Indian author who makes it big..! An article in the Education times of this week (TOI, Delhi) where the top 5 authors of India were discussed, mentioned Chetan Bhagat was at the top with 41% of popularity, next in line was Arvind Adiga at 19%, Jhumpa Lahiri at 17%, Shobhaa De at 16% and Kiran Desai at 7%. 
These are the people who put forth their thoughts into words, weave a story and publish it,...mind you without leaving their respective jobs..! Thus if their book clicks, then their lucky, if not, they have nothing much to lose.

A 20 yr old someone, called Swapnil Khetan has written words which describe Chetan Bhagat, the way i wanted to..." Redefined writing. No Jargon, Simple English introduced "Hinglish" to the urban folklore. He gave readers a chance to comprehend each word besides feeding them with stuff stuff they wanted and could easily digest. As I believe, writing is less about how you want to portray it, but more about how you can help the reader to comprehend it"-

What i like about his style of writing is that he uses day to day language...His motive is to convey a story, a thought and not teach English..! I know of all those I hate chetan Bhagat websites coz they don't find him gramatically correct or too fictitious and his stories are "too simple to be famous".....but what they don't realise is that he has a connection with the crowd. He is like Shah Rukh Khan or Salman Khan. Their acting is "JUST BEARABLE" but they connect with the masses of all classes. He has instigated many, who never picked up a novel for the fear of not being able to understand the Queen's English to start reading for the love of the story, the character or the thought. The feeling of understanding the protaganist's pain, joy, agony coz of a similar situation in our life has given him that kind of a FAN FOLLOWING or a YOUTH ICON. Believe me, Shobaa De does not have that big a FAN BASE (Yet i don't mind being in her shoes either coz she is definitely more famous than the clones of Chetan Bhagat who have emerged as authors, in the last 3-4 years cause they too were IIM, IIT pass outs!)

In the end, if I analyse my situation, Chetan Bhagat has inspired me to write. I have so many stories lingering in my head and hope to pour all that on paper someday. Whether I attain fame is no assurity, but if I do, then I won't have to leave my job, I would still continue serving my patients, and may be have more luck with more patients, reach out to the "HI" society and definitely not get contradicted by my F-I-L!

Monday, July 4, 2011

I am touched!

Dear Ramesh,
This blog post is for you.! I don't know you, nor do you know me!  At least you have a name, but I'm on a fictitious identity. (Reason: Another long story!)  
Your comment to my earlier post made me feel good about my existence..!
All my life i have been penning down my thoughts on pieces of paper or books and then tearing them up. I felt they were substandard. 
Then i started putting up my thoughts as Facebook status updates and tweeting...! well twitter never impressed me's for celebrities and i ain't one yet! (may be i will be someday !!)
My FB comments get great reviews but i get blasted by my hubby for putting up my feelings for the whole world to know.. (Thus my unknown existence here!) 

Going back to my point..your comment on my style of writing inspired me to blog todays' blog post is to thank you! .. and yes hope i too meet like minded people on my blog soon. 
I am in desperate need of "LIKE MINDED FRIENDS". I have loads of friends....but it's like "FRIEND, FRIEND EVERYWHERE but NOT A THOUGHT TO SHARE!"

And hope i hone my skill of writing make my latest dream come true.

Why him and not anyone else? .....Shall be my next blog post!

Once again THANKS Mr. RAMESH

Friday, July 1, 2011


I have hardly gotten into blogging and i had the audacity to start one more new blog..!

The first blog i started was for mainly venting my frustrations and my happiness on a day to day account basis, thus the name "FLOWING THOUGHTS".
The second one is purely for movies that I am presently watching..I know my opinion never counts but I like to evaluate movies. Have been a movie freak since childhood and have the desire to make a movie too someday... I know HIGH HOPES!!). These are not recent releases....but movies that I'm watching on a day to day basis. It may be old or new, a movie i watched on DVD, TV or the theatre. It may be an English or Hindi movie or any language..

It's just the desire to give my point of view for a movie.

Hoping someone stumbles upon this blog and gives their opinion too.

Ciao for today.